Check Your Mailbox
The City of Saskatoon has begun the mail-out of over 98,000 property tax notices. Property owners should expect their 2022 Property Tax Notice to arrive over the next coming weeks.
To review a detailed breakdown of your municipal portion of 2022 Property Tax and how it is allocated to various civic services, historical property tax information, your property's current and previous assessments and more, visit
The Chamber has actively been advocating for a modernization of Saskatchewan’s property tax model both provincially and municipally. The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on some significant challenges with Saskatchewan’s current model and approach to property taxation and we believe that there are opportunities to address these significant structural weaknesses. In so doing, Saskatchewan can bring its property tax model and policy in line with other jurisdictions and make our province one of the most desirable provinces in Canada to start, scale and grow a business. To read the Chamber’s initial recommendations, click the button below.