The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops Education Department (TCCB ED) cooperates with diocesan school offices to oversee the accreditation of Catholic schools in Texas.
The purpose of TCCB ED is to assist Catholic schools in the state of Texas with 1) continuous school improvement initiatives, 2) accountability with best educational practices, 3) strengthening of mission and identity, and 4) improving academic performance.
The goals of Catholic education in Texas schools are 1) to promote a community of believers, learners, and active doers in the spirit of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church, 2) to provide instructional leadership and maintain effective and efficient programs of studies, and 3) to implement a curriculum that represents a school's mission which is shared by teachers, students, and parents/guardians.
TCCB ED accredits all schools annually and conducts an in-depth school visit once every seven years. The TCCB Accreditation Commission (TCCB AC) is made up of two bishops, six Catholic school superintendents, and six educational professionals and meets twice each year. This process is approved and authorized by the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC), which monitors organizations that accredit private schools in the state of Texas.
All schools submit annual reports to ensure compliance with the guidelines of TCCB ED. In addition, every school is individually accredited every seven years through the completion of a self-study and through a three-day visit by an accreditation team. During the visit, a team of trained Catholic educators uses TCCB ED standards to evaluate the school. They complete a Visiting Team Consensus Report (VTCR) which details the strengths and areas needing attention.
Each school is assigned to a member of the TCCB AC. After review and presentation of a school's self-study and VTCR, the commission assigns an accreditation status and sends an Accreditation Status Report to each school. The report defines what a school may need to address in a 90-day, one-year, and three-year period.
For more information, watch this video.