Overview of AP Classroom Resources

AP Classroom provides all-in-one instructional support with resources that can help you plan your course, create practice assignments and custom assessments, and track student results and overall progress. Learn about new features and how each resource can be used to encourage student understanding of course content and skills.

New Features

AP Classroom resources are regularly updated based on feedback from educators and students.

The latest updates include:

AP Classroom Resources

Unit Guides

Unit guides provide both an overview and a deep dive of the content and skills covered on the AP Exam.

Unit guides include:

AP Daily Videos

AP Daily videos are led by experienced AP teachers to help students understand essential course concepts. The videos are short and available on-demand.

Students can watch AP Daily videos:

The videos can be used to:

Topic Questions

Topic questions are formative assessment questions that are assigned to check student understanding of course topics.

Assign topic questions any time:

Topic questions can be used as:

Progress Checks

Progress checks are unit-level formative assessments that are assigned to gauge student understanding of all topics and skills.

Assessments measure knowledge and skills through:

You can use the Progress Checks report to identify the topics and skills students should continue practicing. Students can also get feedback on their responses through the question rationales and scoring guidelines at their teacher’s discretion.

Question Bank

The question bank allows you to create practice assignments and custom assessments using a searchable database of real AP questions indexed by course content and skills.

Use filters and the search feature to find questions that:

Resources & Assignments

The Resources & Assignments section helps you manage all videos, progress checks, custom assessments, practice exams, and course-specific PDF resources—including using labels and sharing quizzes—whether you’ve assigned them or not.

Assignment options include:

Other options include:

In their Assignments section, students can:


The Reports section provides different views, or reports, of student performance so you can analyze both class-level and individual assignment results and progress toward learning all course content and skills.

The All Assignments report: