The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) views charter schools as integral to the District's offerings and an opportunity to teach both students and educators. Currently, there are 270 charter schools (51 Affiliated, 219 Independent) under the jurisdiction of the LAUSD, serving more than 150,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade.
Types of Charters There are two types of charter schools in the district: Conversion and Start-up.These charters can be fully independent or district-affiliated, which have closer ties to the district. Both must have their board-approved charter proposal, and both are held to a high level of accountability.
Charter Schools BackgroundThe Charter School act of 1992 is the legislation that gave origin to charter schools. The subsequent AB 544 legislation established further guidelines and requirements for charter schools. The legislation is also intended to shift toward a performance-based system and provide competition within the public school system.
The intent of that legislation is to:If approved, a charter is granted by the LAUSD Board of Education for a period of up to five years. Charter schools are open to any child residing in the State of California who wishes to attend. If the number of students who wish to attend a charter school exceeds the school's capacity, the school determines admission based on a public random drawing (lottery).
Charter schools may not be a conversion of a private school, must be non-sectarian, may not discriminate, may not charge tuition, must achieve a racial and ethnic balance reflective of the District population and may not compel students to attend nor teachers to be employed at the charter.
Pursuant to the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board approved Policy on Charter School Authorizing, the District is committed to providing a wide range of schools and programs to meet the diverse educational needs and priorities of all students and families it has the privilege to serve. Charter schools are valuable partners and viable choices among the District’s robust set of educational options. Accordingly, the Board of Education views charter schools as an integral method of achieving its vision and mission.