11 Key Features of Assertive Discipline Theory

11 Key Features of Assertive Discipline Theory

Written by Chris Drew (PhD)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

| July 17, 2024

Assertive Discipline Theory, definition and examples

Assertive discipline theory is a teacher-centered classroom management approach founded by Lee and Marlene Canter.

The approach believes in the rights of students and teachers to work in a safe, calm and professional environment.

These rights must be enforced by an assertive but calm teacher who enforces order and structure within the classroom.

Eleven Key Features of Assertive Discipline Theory

The 11 key features of assertive discipline theory are:

  1. The Right To Learn. Canter introduced the concept of students’ rights to classroom discipline. According to Canter, well-behaved students have the right to learn in a classroom without distraction. This means that the teacher must discipline poorly behaved students in the best interests of the rest of the class. Canter also notes that students have the right to learn from a caring teacher who has their students’ best interests at heart.
  2. The Right to Teach. Teachers should be given the same right to a peaceful working environment as other professionals. Students who misbehave or are rude undermine a teacher’s rights at work. Teachers also deserve the support of their administration and managers as well as their students’ parents.
  3. Teachers must be in Control. Canter is critical of behavior management approaches that dilute the control of the teacher. The teacher, as the adult in the room, has the responsibility and duty to control the classroom environment. This is the only way the students’ safety and educational development can be guaranteed.
  4. Clear Boundaries must be Set. A teacher needs to develop a clear discipline plan. This plan should unambiguously state the boundaries of appropriate vs. inappropriate behaviors in the classroom. It should also state for students the exact corrective actions that will occur if students do not respect those boundaries. Students and parents need to understand and consent to the rules.
  5. Positive Reinforcement. Teachers should ‘catch’ students who are behaving well within the classroom and provide rewards and praise for that positive behavior. Teachers should publicly acknowledge positive behaviors of one student in front of the whole class. Recognition and acknowledgement of everyday positive behaviors will show students who respect class rules that their compliance and respectful manners are appreciated.
  6. Positive Repetition. Like positive reinforcement, positive repetition involves publicly acknowledging positive behaviors. Furthermore, it involves repeating instructions and explicitly stating the positive behavior in the statement of recognition. Examples of restating rules in acknowledgement include: “James waited at the door before getting permission to enter. Great job, James!” The rule in this case would have been to “Wait at the door to get permission before entering.”
  7. Firm Consequences. While the Canters highlight that proactive and positive discipline are ideal, when students overstep boundaries, consequences must follow. These consequences must be written down in advance (on the discipline plan), followed-through in all instances, and applied equally to all students. By following-through with your consequences plan, students learn that the rules are serious and must be respected.
  8. Behaviors should be taught through Modelled and Direct Instruction. It is not enough to simply enforce rules with rewards and punishments. To earn the respect and trust of students, teachers should always behave within the guidelines of the rules they have set out for students. This includes modelling positive and respectful behavior at all times so students see how it’s done. Furthermore, teachers need to directly instruct students on how to behave by explicitly repeating the roles and insting upon them being followed.
  9. It is possible to Teach Difficult Students. Canter’s original research in classroom management took place with students with special needs. Based on his work, Canter argued that most students will react well to an assertive discipline approach, including more ‘difficult’ students.
  10. Proactive Discipline is better than Reactive Discipline. Proactive discipline involves anticipating poor behavior and making a plan on how to prevent it. Reactive discipline involves waiting until a student has misbehaved before coming up with a disciplinary response. Assertive discipline prioritizes proactive strategies such as setting up classroom rules and praising positive behavior.
  11. Teachers should build Relationships with their Students. Canter and Canter (1996) place strong emphasis on trust. They believe that discipline in the classroom is easiest to achieve when students trust and respect their teacher. When students have this trust, they will follow the teacher’s lead and acknowledge their moral authority to set rules. Canter and Canter state that trust can be built through getting to know students, greeting them by name, learning about their interests, having personal one-to-one conversations with them, acknowledging birthdays and special events, and getting to know their parents well.

Strengths and Weaknesses



Assertive vs. Non-Assertive vs. Hostile Discipline

Canter and Canter (2001) argue there are only 3 types of teacher. They are the assertive, non-assertive and hostile teacher. In outlining these three types of teacher, they show that the assertive educator is their preferred type. This teacher is firm but not hostile to their students.

Here are the three types explained:

Practical Examples of Assertive Discipline

Canter and Canter have provided many practical examples to help guide teachers on how to use their approach. Below are a few.

Approach 1: Discipline Hierarchy

A discipline hierarchy is also known as an ‘escalating severity procedure’. It involves starting with small disciplinary actions such as warnings for first-time offences. If students continue to break rules, the severity of the discipline will escalate.

The teacher should have the discipline hierarchy written down in their discipline plan and students should be aware of the procedure in advance. For example, a teacher may present it to the students in the first week of school during a ‘class ground rules’ discussion.


Approach 2: Discipline Plans

Canter and Canter argue that a discipline plan is an absolute necessity in the classroom. Teachers should create the discipline plans and present them to students and parents at the start of the year.

The discipline plan should have the following aspects:

  1. Classroom Rules List: A short list of achievable classroom rules should be set out for the students. The rules should cover all eventualities. This list should be visible to students in the classroom throughout the year.
  2. Positive Recognition: The teacher should note down examples of positive recognition that they will provide to students as a part of their regular daily teaching strategy.
  3. Corrective Actions on a Discipline Hierarchy. The teacher should create a list of corrective actions that will be used as part of their discipline hierarchy. This should be shown to students so they are aware of consequences of actions.
  4. Severity Clause. Students should know that severe behaviors that violate the rights and safety of others may be escalated to parents or the principal without the use of the discipline hierarchy.

Approach 3: Regular Classroom Procedures

Regular classroom procedures involve teaching strategies that educators can use to help them keep control of the class.

Theoretical Links

Assertive discipline is closely linked to behaviorist theory in education. The behaviorist theory holds that students’ behaviors can be effectively managed through a series of rewards and punishments.

However, this approach has also been challenged by other learning theories. Paolo Friere argues that assertive teaching reinforces unfair power hierarchies and creates a ‘banking approach to education’ where students are taught not to think but to simply comply. If a teacher is cruel or unfair, there is no avenues for students to achieve justice. Friere advocates instead for a problem posing approach to education.

Final Thoughts

This behavior management strategy is a very effective strategy for educators. Many early career teachers quickly learn that it has great benefits for managing a classroom and achieving a positive learning environment.

However, critics believe it disempowers students and leaves them passive and frustrated in the classroom.

In the end, all teachers need to come to a strategy that works well for them and their own students. The strategy should be compassionate and caring while also achieving the goal of creating a positive learning environment.


Canter, L. & Canter, M. (1976). A take-charge approach for today’s educator. Seal Beach: Lee Canter & Associates.

Canter, L. & Canter, M. (1993). Succeeding with difficult students: New strategies for reaching your most challenging students. Santa Monica: Lee Canter & Associates.

Canter, L. (1996). First, the rapport – then, the rules. Learning 24(5), 12-14.

Canter, L. & Canter, M. (2001). Positive behavior management for today’s classroom. Seal Beach: Lee Canter & Associates.

Charles, C. & Senter, G. (2005). Building classroom discipline. Boston: Pearson.